Man is Like an Automobile...
~ As it gets older, the differential starts slopping, and the
U-joints get worn, causing the drive shaft to go bad.
~ The transmission won't go into high gear and sometimes has
difficulty getting out of low. Overdrive is out of the question!
~ The cylinders get worn and lost compression, making it hard to
climb the slightest incline. When it is climbing the tappets clatter
and ping to the point where one wonders if the old bus will make it
to the top.
~ The carburetor gets fouled with pollutants and other matter, making
it hard to get started in the morning. His gas fumes can kill ya!
~ It is hard to keep the radiator filled because of the leaking hose.
His frame has a big bow in the middle too. The thermostat goes out,
making it difficult to reach operating temperature. The headlights
grow dim, and the battery needs constant recharging.
~ His shifter is stuck in the down position which is the 'low
position' and ya can't get anywhere that way.
~ But if the body looks good, we can keep it washed and polished,
giving the impression it can compete with newer models and make one
more trip down the primrose lane before the head gasket blows.
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